Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

We lead and manage Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for development projects throughout Africa. We are committed to aligning our work to the International Finance Corporation Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability, and deliver our ESIA to these standards.

Social Impact Assessment

We carry out focus group discussions, stakeholder engagement, quantitative surveys and participatory resource mapping to understand the communities potentially impacted by proposed projects. We develop measures to enhance the benefits of the project and avoid, minimise, or compensate for the negative impacts through the development of social management plans.

Resettlement Action Planning

We undertake detailed resettlement action planning (comprising of asset, farming and land holding surveys) using customised smart survey forms, analytics and smart reporting, developed on ODK, Survey123 and ArcGIS Field Survey Tools. We undertake extensive engagement with Project Affected Peoples (PAPs) and develop resettlement action plans in compliance with IFC Performance Standard 5 and Word Bank OP 4.12.

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Stakeholder Engagement

Presenting information posters to the community at a proposed agricultural project in Zambia. Click here to access the stakeholder engagement platform used for teh Zambia Railways Rehabilitation EIA.

Environmental and Social Auditing

We provide environmental and Social auditing and due diligence for national legal and international lender compliance.

Environmental and Social Management Systems

We support our clients from concept to closure through the development and implementation of Environmental and Social Management Systems (ESMS) aligned to ISO 14001:2015 and the IFC Performance Standards. We are our clients strategic sustainability partners, helping to manage E&S risk and enhancing sustainability throughout the project lifecycle.